
We want your user experience within our platform to be excellent!

We provide a video containing instructions for utilizing each module and service, ensuring that the booking experience mirrors that of a seasoned travel professional.

In our exclusive B2B solution, we offer reliable and secure transfer service for your clients.

We are consistently striving for enhancement to provide you with top-notch services. Through our user-friendly platform, you can effortlessly book transfers to cater to your clients’ needs.

Kalina Travel Platform integrates leading global transfer companies. We have a large selection of private or shared vehicles in more than 21,000 destinations in more than 150 countries.

With us, your clients will have the opportunity to combine the transfer with the other services on the platform and offer the best offers, automatically sorting the prices from lowest to highest according to your preference.

Search, book, compare and manage all your ground transfer requirements with Kalina Travel Platform.

Our main highlights are:

Effortless Transfers: Your Comprehensive Tutorial for Kalina Travel Platform B2B Professionals. Learn how to navigate Kalina Travel Platform.

Transfers section with ease, ensuring your clients experience smooth transitions from point A to B. Discover how to book and customize a variety of transfer options, whether it’s airport pickups, city-to-city transfers, or more. With step-by-step guidance and expert tips, you’ll master the art of seamless transfers, elevating your clients’ travel experiences.